b. Chicago, IL
One and two person exhibitions
Switchboard, Berlin, Germany*
Group exhibitions
KARMACOMA, Anna Laudel Gallery / ZAI Bodrum, Bodrum, Türkiye
note: standing prop, Manila Institute, 55 Walker, New York, NY
W.E.L.T.001–Apophenia, curated by Théo Pożoga, Karin Schlageter, Anna Siebold, gr_und, Berlin, Germany
Adele, curated by Bruno Zhu, Café de Laurierboom, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Neversink Woods, curated by Betty Roytburd and Anny Oberlink, Neversink Woods, Neversink, NY
Echinacea, curated by Micah Schippa, Obst, Chicago, IL
Eastern Promises, D.E.A.L., Planina Gornja, Zagreb, Croatia
Image and Objecthood, curated by Ana Iwataki, Los Angeles, CA
The Office, ACL Partners, curated by Pierre-Alexandre Mateos and Charles Teyssou, Paris, France
89plus Marathon, Serpentine Gallery (online), London, England
Month of Photography, Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, CO
A Clean Well-Lighted Spa, Free Paarking, St. Louis, MO
In Post, curated by Artie Vierkant, Stadium, New York, NY
Awards and Residencies
Vila31 x Art Explora, Tirana, Albania*
Berlin Program for Artists, Berlin, Germany
AiR351, Cascais, Portugal
Luso-American Development Foundation grant, Lisbon, Portugal
Kamen, Orah, Bosnia & Herzegovina
lower_cavity, Holyoke, MA
A-DASH SPACE, Athens, Greece
Rupert, Vilnius, Lithuania
89plus/Google Cultural Institute, Paris, France
Sunhoo Industrial Design Park, Fuyang, China
Artist talk at Localhosts, Yale School of Art, New Haven, CT
Artist talk at Cultural Center Trebinje, with Temra Pavlović, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Conversation at Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, Detroit, MI
Artist talk at Signal – center for contemporary art, Malmö, Sweden
Software launch of BUBAMARA-OCR with left gallery, Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin, Germany
Reading with Mónica de la Torre, Alignment, American Medium, New York, NY
Artist talk at home school, Yale Union, Portland, OR
Artist talk at Yale Interactive Design, Yale School of Art, New Haven, CT
Artist talk at University of the Arts, Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Artist talk at Luca School of Arts, Ghent, Belgium
Presentation at China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
Voluments 1–14, print, in the archive of Kunstinstituut Melly
Ulusoy, Gözde. “Yaz Melodramı.” Vogue Türkiye. July-August 2023.
“The Snowmen of Riga.” PROVENCE. April 2023.
“Left Gallery.” Outland. May 4, 2022.
Begenišić, Maja. “Međunarodna umjetnička rezidencija „Kamen“: IMPRESIVAN PRISTUP KULTURI”. Radio Trebinje, Oct 13 2021.
“spring 24 living boards idiote dagger”. Perilla magazine, ed. Jamie Sterns. May 2020.
Faber, Susannah. “Opacity in the work of Adriana Ramić.” Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, 2019.
Herr, Adrienne, and LA Warman, editors. “Mónica de la Torre | Adriana Ramić.” Alignment. Vol. 4, American Medium, 2018.
Méchineau, Léonard. “Early Works exhibition seen by Léonard Méchineau.” Novembre, December 10 2017.
“I Went out on the Mist.” Recens Paper, volume 7, 2017, pp. 140–143.
Stobbe, Nikolaj and Vera Østrup. Ny Jord – Tidsskrift for naturkritik, 2016.
Redleaf. Sydney, 2016.
Jauhiainen, Jenna. “Curating for a Brighter Future: Interview with Barbara Vanderlinden.” EDIT, October 15 2015.
School for Curatorial Studies Venice. The Curator as Barman. Automatic Books, 2015.
Sutherland, Morgan, editor. “Monegraph and the Status of the Art Object,” Dis Magazine, February 10, 2015.
Schafhausen, Nicholaus, editor. The Future of Memory, Exhibition Catalogue, Kunsthalle Wien, 2015.
Deiss, Amely, Ina Neddermeyer, et. al., editors. #catcontent. Kunstpalais Erlangen, 2015.
Nouvelles Expériences en Art et Technologie, 89plus and Fondation Cartier, 2014.
BFA, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA